Esercizio N: 2012 - volleyball
Effective Attack from the front line, trying to close the point, with setter in penetration and defense

SHORT DESCRIPTION: From about 6 meters from the net, the coach throws the ball in dell'alzatore area that comes in and performs penetration, at will, in a raised 2, 3 or 4. The attacking player must try to close the point in manner it considers most appropriate.
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental affected game
DESCRIPTION: On the one hand the coach, two setters who work in turns three attackers, the opposite, center and wing. Across a full team, with all the players in their respective roles, ready to make a defense. From about 6 meters from the net, the coach throws the ball in dell'alzatore area that comes in and performs penetration, at will, in a raised 2, 3 or 4. The attacking player must try to close the point in way he considers most appropriate: dunk, lob, drop shot placed, placed long ball, etc. They count on five or ten raised valid for each attacker, how many points you managed to close
MATERIAL: balloons
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