Esercizio N: 2009 - volleyball
Attack from the second line, with riser and defense

SHORT DESCRIPTION: From about 3 meters from the second line, give all'alzatore ball that makes a lift in the second line. The player attacks another camp, where three players at a time are defending.
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental affected game
DESCRIPTION: Each player has a ball in hand and waiting in line from the zone relative to its position of attack (Ex. 5 in Central, Ala 6, Opposed in 1). From about 3 meters from the second line, give all'alzatore ball that makes a lift in the second line. The player attacks another camp, where three players at a time advocate trying to direct the ball into the area dell'alzatore is not there. The player who attacked riprede his ball and gets back in line
MATERIAL: balloons
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