Esercizio N: 2065 - volleyball
Launch, support, lift, Attack and Defense to flow

SHORT DESCRIPTION: two or three players per row: throw the ball, support to shortstop, raised the wing for 4, 5 attack zone where there is a defending player
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9
PURPOSE: perform to the best fundamental game interested
DESCRIPTION: five small file players, about 2-3 per row:Row A: throw the ball, Row B: support for the setter, Row C: Raised in the wing 4, Row D: attack in the area 5, Row E: defense and support for the player who after launching the ball from the row A is has moved to the area 3 (the setter area) to catch the ball and then go back behind the row A. After about 10 launches, the coach's signal all the players of a row flowing into the next row, who is in line to go B, who is in B goes to C and so on.
TIPS: maintain fixed setters especially in older boys teams, and slide the other files.
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