Esercizio N: 2010 - volleyball
Attack from the second line, with a lift car and defending free

SHORT DESCRIPTION: From about 3 meters from the second line, get the ball and make a dunk in the second line in the direction of the free that defends. From about 3 meters from the second line, get the ball and make a dunk in the second line in the direction of the free that defends.
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental affected game
DESCRIPTION: Each player has a ball in hand and waits in a row from the area 1. From about 3 meters from the second line, get the ball and make a dunk in the second line in the direction of the free defends that trying to direct the ball into the area that dell'alzatore there is not. The player who attacked riprede his ball and gets back in line
MATERIAL: balloons
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