Esercizio N: 0016 - basic physical and motor activity
Who hit me?
START: in a semicircle a player in the middle of the center
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It varies from m. Up to 10x10 m. 20x20, according to the number of participants
PURPOSE: guess who hit me
DESCRIPTION: the players are arranged in a semicircle, with one that is at the center, or turned toward the wall, or with your eyes closed. The animator of the ball to one of the semi-circle of players and this must hit what's in between. If the player who is at the center guess who was hitting him, the one who launched the ball goes to turn in the center.
VARIANTS: The ball instead of date by the animator is passed between players in a semicircle, until one the tira.Colpire a certain part of the target
TIPS: check that the shots are not violent and are not always made by the same player
MATERIAL: 1 ball
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