Esercizio N: 1054 - football
open gates to overcome two opponents

START: as described by drill
TEAMS: 2 teams 3 players per team
FIELD: is that outlined by the arrangement of the material
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental interested and go in goal game
DESCRIPTION: With this scheme we train to open gates to overcome two opponents. Team A faces Team B; both are composed of three players. A player tackles dribbling two defenders on the field and one in the door. If one of the defenders is exceeded by the attacker, he stops to close the spaces while the other one hinders the attacker's advancement. Another player of the attacking team follows the companion engaged in dribbling so you can act as a second defender when attacking the B team, or to continue the dribble when his partner is tired. It is up to the player with the ball decide when it's time to dribble past opponents and BET ON A NETWORK
TIPS: Avoid tiring. Pass the ball to his companion if you're feeling tired
MATERIAL: A balloon for 6 players. Four flags d angle cones or other bounding elements. Knitted or red and blue bibs
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