Esercizio N: 0115 - basic physical and motor activity
He throws the ball and shouts who you are

START: In circle
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is given by all the available space
PURPOSE: learn to know
DESCRIPTION: the boys are arranged in a circle. One by one, throws the ball to those who want and shout your name. After a while that you play instead of shouting your name you shout the name of the person to whom you throw the ball. After a little bit more instead of throwing the ball it goes to those who want shouting his name and takes the place of the one to whom we brought the ball
VARIANTS: When they started to learn the names repeat with last names, age, birth month, etc.
TIPS: This game is useful in the first lessons, when the boys still do not know to learn the names, surnames, etc. of others.
MATERIAL: 1 ball
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