Esercizio N: 0026 - basic physical and motor activity

START: free each team in their field
TEAMS: 2 teams minimum 4 players per team
FIELD: about m. 10x20 divided into 3 zones
PURPOSE: break down the clubs placed in the opposing camp
DESCRIPTION: the field is divided into three areas, the team of whites is located in zone X of the blacks in the team area Z. In between is an area where Y can not let anyone in. Each team in their field placed in row 5 to 10 clubs or bowling pins representing ships from breaking down. Each team at the beginning of the game has 2 or 3 balls. The team that after the start of the animator manages to abbatere first all opposing clubs
VARIANTS: Vary the throwing distance, making the largest area Y.Avvicinare the clubs of the two teams, so that the launch should be more precise to avoid reduce its navi.Variare types lancio.Variare the type of movement of the players, eg: crawling on all fours, to bent legs, etc.
MATERIAL: 10-15 clubs or skittles, 4-8 balls
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