Esercizio N: 0137 - basic physical and motor activity
ball in the center

START: In circle They are willing to center field circles of the two, one large and one small inside containing a ball. The players sit astride the big circle with one foot inside and the other outside.
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: It is used for volleyball m. 18x9
PURPOSE: Hitting opponents with the ball
DESCRIPTION: Quandi the instructor calls by name a player, it must qanedare the center and when it takes the ball must shout STOP and the other players, who has since fled, they stop. Who has the ball spear trying to hit a player who can avoid the ball without moving his feet.
VARIANTS: Departures from sitting, lying down, prone or back
TIPS: Know the names of all the participants in the game
MATERIAL: Two circles and a ball
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