Esercizio N: 0108 - basic physical and motor activity
Prisoner ball

START: free in their field
TEAMS: 2 teams 5-8 players per team
FIELD: about m. 10x20 divided into two large zones plus two prisons placed behind these zones
PURPOSE: hit the players that are in other field and then take them prisoner
DESCRIPTION: the players are willing free in your field and choose an item that is positioned behind the bottom opponent field line. This player will return to his own field just hit a part of their team. The player must throw the ball nellaltro field trying to hit one of the other team. The affected players pass behind the end line of the opposing team and from there can collaborate with their peers and hit opponents without ever crossing the line. The flask is assigned at the beginning to draw; later it can be achieved taking the fly when an opponent tries to strike or after it has bounced at least once on the ground. The game ends when all the components have been affected or at the end of a certain time
MATERIAL: 1 ball
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