Esercizio N: 0106 - basic physical and motor activity
the island of Robinson

START: as described by drill
TEAMS: no team
FIELD: about m. 10x20
PURPOSE: shoot as many people as possible with balls
DESCRIPTION: in the middle of the field there is a carpet or a circostritta area for example by a circle that represents the island of Robinson. A player named Robinson is located in the island and has to try to hit with the balls he has inside a bag or basket, the other players that pass from one side. Players pass one at a time to the animator's signal.
VARIANTS: Throwing the ball in two hands, with one hand, kicking it with his feet, ecc.Traslocare to run, 4-legged, performing different gaits, etc.
TIPS: do not rush too quickly and make sudden changes of direction to disorient Robinson
MATERIAL: 1 basket, about 10 balloons
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