Esercizio N: 1062 - football
one on one and advance in dribbling towards the opponent
SHORT DESCRIPTION: discarding the opponent at speed, the player who has the possession, must be able to make goal. having or not having goals, the goalkeeper must immediately pass the ball to another player doing the same movement of the first mate, he also must be able to discard the opponent and score.
START: as described by drill
TEAMS: 2 teams Free number of players per team
FIELD: is that outlined by the arrangement of the material
PURPOSE: perform to the best of the fundamental interested and go in goal game
DESCRIPTION: Team A vs. Team B. On the field are one on one. A1 advances dribbling towards the opponent (B1), it turns the side to protect the ball: keep your body between the ball and B1. He begins to feint, moving the first leg backward and then forward to drag the ball over the opponent with a sudden snap. So A1 points to the goal. After scoring, A1 becomes the defender and B begins to turn to try this fake
TIPS: This scheme is dedicated to the execution of the fake called "locomotive", which serves to break free from dell'avversario.Tieniti marking side of the ball so you can easily run the fake. When you start the fake, put the heel of the shoe in front of the ball. This way you'll think you want to run a back-heel
MATERIAL: A balloon for 6 players, four corner flags. cones or other delimiting elements. Shirts or red and blue bibs
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